Yellow- Coldplay (Music Video Research)

This particular music video begins with a wide shot with the ocean at night time, you can hear the sounds of the waves very clearly and its a nice way to start a video. The camera then pans left to show a silhouette of the main performer 'Chris Martin' on the beach, with all the stars in the background. When the main artist starts to sing along in sync with the song, the whole shot is in slow motion, it continues in this format for a short while. It turns out the shot remains the same for the rest of the video, the only change is the sky transforming from night to day. When interpreting the lyrics there is conformation that the theme of the song is 'beauty' and the way that Coldplay perceive this. This video is quite boring and although the song is really good and the video does suit the monotonous aurora of the song, I  think our music video will revolve around a different image.

Final Music Video