Viva La Vida- Coldplay (Music Video Research)

The term Viva La Vida literally means 'live life' and in this way the revolution was formed to force the people in power to give the people free will. It starts of with what I presume is a rose, spinning around; I then noticed that the music video has this same effect over all the shots, which is to make it look older and historical. The band is wearing old fashioned clothing whilst holding modern instruments such as an electric guitar and drums. The video is very performance based with Chris Martin singing along, as most of the focus is on his image. The music video is the same all the way through and in this way it could have involved more creativity and innovation, in order to make it a memorable and unique video. From the lyrics I believe the song to portray the main singer as someone who used to have authority and power, sort of like royalty; but in the end this is taken from him, and if I made a bold assumption by the common people who are typically the ones to orchestrate a revolution. To be honest, this video doesn't appeal to me that much, seeing as it is relatively boring and lacks uniqueness.

Final Music Video