Website Research

This is the home page of the FLATBUSH ZOMBIE website, we can initially see the name of the group at the top of the page and underneath this are the various title links that will take the customer to the other pages that are available. The page then proceeds onto the their newest album that has been released and from this it can be ordered and purchased. Also they have given a preview of one of their songs that is included in this particular album name 'lava' with the official music video on top of that.

Next I clicked on the link title 'tunes' which brought out a selection bar on the right of the page, in this bar it contains all the other albums they have produced which can be clicked on to see the all the songs and videos that the album contains.

I have noticed that when you click on the different links an animation around that link appears, for example, when I clicked on tune there was a moving volume bar going up and down, with the merch animation there was a t-shirt that appeared, with the film there was an old fashioned film tape reeling upwards, and finally with the tour link a bus appears that is driving down a road. Anyway, back to the original point, where I was going to talk about when pressing the merchandise link and sidebar appears with a list of all the products that are available with their given price.

When I clicked on the film link it came up with every music video that they have published on YouTube. This is important as it allows the audience to watch these videos from the site, meaning that if a new customer or fan were to visit this website they would have an immediate insight into the music the artists produce and the general genre could me accumulated, from this they will be able to gain even more media attention.

Finally, when I clicked on the tour link it showed all the tour dates and where the tour is located. This is essential for it allows people to go and see the artist that they know and love, or even if they don't know the artist particularly well they still have the opportunity to go and see them live if they wish to do so.

Overall, I would say that although the Flatbush Zombies general genre is completely different to our own, we can gain a lot of influences from their website. It is quite funky and even trippy at times, with all the vibrant colors that the artists are always trying to portray, this is the same as Paleme. In my opinion this website needs some serious improvement because although thought the artists are not well-known world wide, they are very familiar in Europe, and have a high following from this, I would expect a better standard of website with some unique transitions or effects to make the consumer enticed into staying on the website. I have seen these artists live before at Wireless festival in Finsbury park and the persona that they represent is the same online as it is in real life, this makes them even more valued as they live up to their singing/rapping expectations.

Final Music Video