Lip Sync

Lip Syncing in this sense can be defined as the simultaneous recording of voice and picture, especially the synchronization of lip movements with recorded sound.

We did this lip sync task as a test to find out which member of our group was most suited to be the role of main performer. For me personally, the factors that needed to be considered was firstly whether the person could be in time with the words of the songs, and additionally being able to clearly see the words that they are saying; which is essential information because we had to put ourselves in the perspective of the audience. Another factor that was needed, can be summed up to a lack awkwardness, in that they are able to move to the beat in a successful way, this doesn't have to mean dancing.

Once we had decided on our song 'drugs' by Adam Jensen we took a camera outside to film each member of the film lip syncing with the song, we just placed the camera on a tripod to create a still shot, and then individually sung a part of the tune.

I will now sum up my personal interpretation of the results, Antonio seemed to be very good at lip syncing, and it was very clear what he was saying because of his over exaggerated lip movements, and the same can be said for Jordan. Sam wasn't particularly good at lip syncing and as a result specialised in the other areas of the production process of the music video. Finally, Harry seemed to have the correct movement with the video, rather then standing awkwardly, and his lip syncing was similarly adequate.

Final Music Video